Contact Lens Exams, Fittings, & Brands in Denver

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Providing a Precise Contact Lens Fit

The key to the success of contact lenses with our patients is finding the right fit. That’s why we provide comprehensive contact lens exams and fittings to support your comfort, eye health, and visual clarity.

We offer a variety of contact lenses, including soft lenses, scleral lenses, toric lenses, and rigid gas-permeable lenses. We are committed to finding a contact lens type that suits your needs. Our technology assists us in providing a precise fit that offers the safety and clarity you need for daily vision, as well as support for managing other health conditions, such as keratoconus and dry eyes.

Start your contact lens journey with an exam and fitting at Cherry Creek Eye.

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Contact Lens Care Is Key

Contact lenses work best with the right care. This means visiting our practice for regular exams to update your contact lens fit, prescription, or type as needed.

Caring for your contact lenses also allows them to last and work their best. This includes keeping them clean, storing them safely, and using them as directed by your eye doctor.

Talk to our team to learn more about proper contact lens care and how often a contact lens exam is required.

Our Contact Lens Technology

We use modern fitting technology in our contact lens exams to get a precise fit for your eyes based on thorough measurements and a detailed assessment of your ocular health. 

The devices we use include the Eaglet-Eye profilometer for measuring your eye and the iTrace device for mapping out different aspects of the eye, both of which help us fit the right contact lenses for your needs.

Eaglet Profilometer

The Eaglet-Eye profilometer is a device that uses a surface profiler to accurately measure your cornea and other parts of the surface of your eye, including your sclera. We can use this device to provide 5 custom-fit sizes of contact lenses for our patients and precise fittings for scleral lenses.

This device helps us support our patients’ happiness and comfort with thorough, efficient contact lens fittings.

The iTrace device scans your cornea’s curvature and checks for corneal abnormalities. This device maps out your eyes and can separate the performance of your eye’s lens and cornea to help us fully understand your eyes and vision.

This device helps us fit contacts for specific needs and corneal irregularities, such as those related to keratoconus.

Our Contact Lenses

Contact lenses come in all shapes and sizes. Each type has a different set of characteristics that can best fit a certain eye type of condition. We carry disposable soft lenses, rigid gas-permeable (RGP) lenses, scleral lenses, and toric contact lenses to cover a variety of eye shapes and vision needs.

Learn more about each lens type and visit us for a fitting to see which contact lens might be the right fit for you. 

Disposable Soft Lenses

Soft contact lenses are made from a more flexible material than other types and can be comfortable to wear. Daily disposable soft contacts are designed so that a new pair is worn each day and thrown away before bed. Soft disposable contacts can also come in weekly or monthly varieties.

Rigid gas-permeable (RGP) lenses are made of a firmer material that still allows oxygen to pass through. RGP lenses can be a good choice for some people affected by corneal conditions like keratoconus, as they can help provide clearer vision for those with an uneven cornea.

Scleral contact lenses are RGP lenses that are wide enough to rest on the sclera of the eye, the outer white part. This can allow for a better fit and improved comfort for people with specific eye conditions, including dry eyes and keratoconus.

Toric contact lenses help adjust vision for those with astigmatism. Astigmatism causes vision problems due to an imperfect curvature of the cornea. Toric contact lenses have a different curvature than traditional contacts to provide vision correction based on the shape of your cornea when you have astigmatism.

Accurate Contact Lens Fittings

There is a lot to learn about contact lenses and fittings. We can use our experience and expertise to guide you toward a choice that suits your lifestyle, vision needs, and eye health.

At Cherry Creek Eye, we are happy to offer comprehensive contact lens fittings and exams to help you find the right fit for your unique eyes and experience the clarity you need to enjoy each day.

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Our Contact Lens Brands

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The options are nearly endless when it comes to ACUVUE® brand contact lenses – the #1 contact lens brand in the world. Long-lasting comfort and clear vision can be yours with a contact lens in the ACUVUE® brand family.

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Alcon has one mission: to provide innovative products that enhance quality of life by helping people see better. Alcon is and uniquely poised to serve every contact lens wearer by addressing the full life cycle of their needs. Designed in the USA.

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Bausch + Lomb

Bausch + Lomb is one of the best-known and most respected American healthcare brands globally, offering the widest and finest range of eye health products including contact lenses and lens care products, pharmaceuticals, intraocular lenses, and other eye surgery products.

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Contact lenses should be comfortable, affordable, and convenient. CIBA is proud to offer many contact lenses, including breathable day and night lenses, single-use lenses, bifocal lenses, and cosmetic lenses. You and your eyes deserve top quality contact lenses that fit your unique vision needs.

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Cooper Vision

We create and execute innovation that is unmatched in the contact lens industry. There's much more to our story than that, however. You'll find that what sets us apart is how we approach our business. We collaborate, we listen, and we enjoy what we do. Designed in the USA.

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SynergEyes hybrid contact lenses transform the vision for patients with astigmatism, presbyopia, and irregular cornea conditions. Since the first generation of hybrid lenses came to market in 2005, the company has continued to develop and deliver advancements in hybrid contact lens technologies. Generation 2 lenses combine new high-Dk materials with more comfortable, vision-optimized designs. In 2015, several new products expanded the vision possibilities for patients that will benefit from this leading technology.

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  • 4999 E. Kentucky Ave., Suite 202
  • Denver, CO 80246

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Why Choose Cherry Creek Eye?

Cataract Surgery Experience

Regain clarity and vibrancy in your vision with our comprehensive cataract surgery services. We use technology and personalized care to help guide you through the cataract surgery process.


Dedicated Keratoconus Treatment

If you’ve been diagnosed with keratoconus, a condition that affects the shape of your cornea, we offer management options like scleral lenses and intacs to improve your vision and manage the progression.


Regain clarity and vibrancy in your vision with our comprehensive cataract surgery services. We use technology and personalized care to help guide you through the cataract surgery process.

Cataract Surgery

If you’ve been diagnosed with keratoconus, a condition that affects the shape of your cornea, we offer management options like scleral lenses and intacs to improve your vision and manage the progression.


Not all eyes are created equal. We specialize in fitting a wide variety of specialty contact lenses for complex vision needs, including keratoconus, astigmatism, and presbyopia.

Contact Lens Exams, Fittings, & Brands
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